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11 mths

Always a sad day when we have to put #SummerSolstice away for the season, but the team at #RIMooringService got her all tucked in for the winter. Until next year!

12 mths

Starting to see signs of fall here in Rhode Island! Some gorgeous early leaves keeping #Vivace company at #BayMarina.

· 1 yrs

A spectacular sunset in #JamestownRI on #Vivace during this mid-July trip. The scenery and the weather couldn't have been much better, except perhaps we could have used just a little more wind!

Kristen Dougherty

The scenery and weather couldn’t have been better, and neither could the company!

1 yrs
1 yrs

#Vivace acquitted herself very well on the trip back from her mooring at #VineyardHaven, through #WoodsHole and its aggressive current, back up the #SakonnetRiver, and home to #WarwickCove. We even got to do a good deed on the way, giving a very lost and exhausted sparrow a lift from the open water of #BuzzardsBay to within sight of land.

1 yrs

Dodged the rain this weekend and took #SummerSolstice for a quick run over to #EastGreenwich for lunch at #WaterStreetBarandGrill. Narragansett Bay looks beautiful even on a cloudy day, and we saw a lovely blue heron on the way back.

1 yrs

Last weekend, we took #Vivace on her longest trip yet, from our home base in #WarwickCove down under the #PellBridge, through #BuzzardsBay to #VineyardHaven on Martha’s Vineyard. It was a cloudy day but great conditions. #Vivace really raced through #WoodsHole, dodging ferries left and right, under the able command of @MacDougherty.

1 yrs

A sunny Saturday taking #SummerSolstice down to Wickford for lunch at Wickford on the Water. Nice views of the #WarwickCountryClub and a sailboat race en route.

· 1 yrs is one of our very favorite places to both dock and dine on #SummerSolstice. Yum!

· 1 yrs

#SummerSolstice looks small in #BattleshipCoveMA next to the mighty USS Massachusetts BB 59. We do our best to fly the Stars and Stripes just as proudly as Big Mamie does.

· 1 yrs

We had a really fun time on #BlockIsland for the 4th of July this year. We had a smooth ride down and a very foggy ride back! The fireworks were great and it was very fun to see all the boats in New Harbor lit up with Red White and Blue at night.


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